a2z-micromarketingGet Your Copy Right! My high-impact copy will build your business by attracting more interest, more leads, more prospects and more sales.

Get Your Copy Right

Crisp, captivating copy can make all your marketing messages more magnetic, more “response-able,” and more likely to help your business thrive. As an expert, experienced, and extremely reliable freelance copywriter, I can help you get your copy “write” the first time—and with less muss, fuss, or grief.

See for yourself! Check out my site, my work, my brochure, my LinkedIn profile, my rave reviews . . . and then let me know how I can help.

What I Do

I write concepts, copy, content, etc. to maximize the impact of your marketing messages. I can do this with extensive direction—or virtually none at all. Here are some of the marketing “power tools” I can help you create—on target, on budget, and on time.

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How I Do It

I was tempted to title this section “How the Sausage Gets Made,” but that wouldn’t be fair . . . to the sausage. Seriously, I do have a general process, but it isn’t a formula with umpteen steps, so as to dazzle and impress you with its complexity. Instead, I try to adapt to the preferences and needs of my clients. And clients are like snowflakes—in a good way. For example, some clients give me a fairly detailed creative brief, some give me past ads or a few competitor websites to review, and others will simply offer some brief guidelines, either by email or phone.

Any or all of the above ways is perfectly fine. Like I said, I’m flexible. Basically, the more I know about:

  • What you’re selling

  • Whom you’re targeting

  • How they’ll benefit by choosing your product (and you)

  • Typical prospect objections and concerns

  • Your market positioning

  • Any other relevant marketing insight

. . . the more raw material I have to produce “response-able” work. Which makes you part of the process too.

How You’ll Benefit

You can count on me to capture more interest, more response, and more sales. I can help you smash through a creative dead-end. I can extend and enhance your agency’s copywriting capabilities if you’re maxed out on projects or facing an impossible deadline.

And I can add value in at least four more ways . . .

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My Origin Story

In a world of pervasive puffery . . . No. Kill the melodramatic voiceover. This is not a blockbuster, just blast-through-the-boredom copywriting, so let’s just stick to the story. After earning my Marketing MBA (at a time when faxing and pagers were still cool), I started and managed an educational software catalog company for nine years. My thesis project was my business plan, and it got funded. Creative writing at its best!


A picture may be worth a thousand words, but a PDF is priceless — so here’s a carefully curated collection that should give you a good sense of my writing style, range, and talent. If you like what you see, please contact me to discuss your copywriting project.

And, while I believe that my work speaks for itself, please note that I can also articulate my strategy and creative platform to clients, Creative Directors, Art Directors, Marketing Directors, business owners — and you. In other words, I can explain the thinking behind the words.

P.S. If you don’t see a sample of what you might need, please take a moment to ask. I have file drawers full of samples just waiting ever so patiently to impress you.

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Let’s talk.

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Thanks for taking the time to learn a little bit more about me and how I might be able to sharpen your competitive edge. How valuable will all of my copywriting skill and experience be to your business or organization?

There’s really only one good way to find out—by calling me soon. You can find out more about me, I can learn more about your marketing and promotional challenges, we can see if we click—and it could lead to a good deal for us both.

I have 22+ years of diverse experience, an outstanding track record, and the "been-there-done-that" confidence and ability to help you get your copy done right. 

If you’ve reached this point on my site, I think I’ve already proved my ability to capture my reader’s intrigue in a crisp, conversational and cogent way. Just imagine the fun and rewards of having me write that way for you.

No operators are standing by—it’s just me in my very cozy home office. And, if you’re not a telemarketer, I’d be happy to hear from you. 

Alan Zoldan
20 Tammy Road
Wesley Hills, NY 10977
(845) 362-8445

website design: ludlow6.com

How can I help?